Thursday 1 March 2012

This is what girls want!

This advertisement uses the powerful emotion appeal to the audiences by using a beautiful girl sitting on the big diamond ring to attract the audiences. The targeted audience could be young men and the people who might need a ring to propose. The goal of this advertisement is to present a concept that women are fascinated on this ring so that they will sell more. This advertisement also uses the black background to emphasize the diamond ring so the diamond can be exaggerated and audiences get shocked, which make audiences remember it. The women can be the audiences too. It evokes the women’s emotions by raises their imaginations; they want to have the beauty of the girl has. The efficient way might be to buy something the girl wants. Therefore, this is a very successful advertise.

1 comment:

  1. The target audience can be men, too. The advertisement tells them that beautiful girls like this, so they should buy this dimond ring as a gift to their lovely girlfriend or wife.
