Thursday 8 March 2012

Do you know who you are?

The purpose of the director is intended to impact the feelings the audience based on the emotion and logical appeals through the conversation between Bella and Edward. In the conversation, the director tries to bring a fear feeling that will lead audience’s attention. Meanwhile, the director uses the descriptions and images in clip try to paint pictures of what kids of features a vampire has and the director introduces the inductive reasons to pursued audience through the comparison between Edward’s actions and appearance s with normal people; the audiences can interpret Edward is a vampire logically. As result, audiences cannot stop to watch.



  1. The director uss appeal to emotion well by making music slow and heavy. Also, the facial expressions and shaking body of Bella can also show the director's purpose-- to make people feel the atmosphere of tension.

  2. The trailer want to tell some interesting thing for attracting audience, so it uses music, conversation and action to make emontional appeal.
