Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Secret To Madonna's Success

    This advertisement uses appeal to authority outstandingly. First, it chooses the famous celebrity Madonna as its model, which makes the ads more persuasive. Second, by comparing both side of her face, it is not difficult to find out that the skin of left side is much brighter and smoother. Besides that, dark circles and creases disappear. Even the color of  the eye changes. By doing this, the creator shows the value of photoshop directly--it can make people look younger and better. Also, it shows people that they can change their personal traits by using this software if they want. Finally, "Adobe Photoshop" itself also shows ethos. Since almost everyone knows that photoshop is a professional tool to beautify pictures, so it is more easy to make people to trust the reliability of this ads.


  1. yes, you are right, the author use appeal to authority very well by using famous star to attarct people's trust and attention. It is namupation!!!!!!

  2. This advertisement generates the emotion appeals the audiences by using the weasel words-"secret" . The designer wants the audiences to feel the main reason that Madonna is so successful is because this product. It presents the two different partial faces to make illusions with the visual image. Customers will imagine the younger face is the effect of using this product. However, it does not say which one is referring to the one Madonna's secret. It can be the old one. So, before we buy this product, we may need to read this advertisement twice and think about it. This is how we become the smart consumers.

  3. The appeal to authority of this advertisement is really well. I think no women can resist the attraction of beauty. The difference between "before" and "after" is so obvious!
